Higher Safety have extensive experience in the creation and development of markets for work at height solutions and equipment. Their experience and development “‘formula” can be added to your new work at height idea or product.
- The renown “Latchway ManSafe” cable based system for roof access, was originally designed for the safety of racing yachtsmen after the 1979 Fasnet tragedy. It is now the world leading permanent horizontal flexible anchorage line for the attachment of personal fall protective equipment, and has spawned many clones and copies.
- 20 years ago, no one used safety nets in the UK, although there was a British Standard specification. New technology nets, that were lighter and cheaper, were being developed to be used in Germany. Higher Safety created the UK market, set the performance principles for installation, and established the trade body to ensure good practice and common standards.
- 10 years ago, edge protection in the UK was provided by scaffolding contractors erecting guard rails spanning the structure supports centres. Now we also use a number of mesh based panel systems that meet the performance requirements of the European Standard, and they are frequently integrated into the primary building components to ease and speed erection.
These developments all have two things in common :-
- They are all well thought out, practical, solutions to real work at height problems, and as such make a positive contribution to the existing situation.
- They all followed a specific development formula, based on establishing and sharing best practice, and then training the whole market to understand “what was best.”
Higher Safety can apply this formula to any work at height development project that you night have. A novel product, a changed method of work, an improved perspective on an established process, all can benefit from the Higher Safety marketing support service.
The support plan can be as simple as some carefully worded launch materials and PR, or as complicated as the delivery of a full market development plan. Simply contact Higher Safety to learn how your project can benefit.
Please note that our independence is very important to us and to our Client base. Will will only use the Higher Safety byline on informative articles and we will only use Higher Safety to endorse solution types and product principles, but not individual products. We reserve control on the use of Higher Safety.