Higher Safety have a range of specific courses for all manner of Work at Height activities. All course satisfy the requirements of BS 8454 Code of Practice for the Delivery of Training and Education for Work at Height and Rescue.
Some are stand alone courses with a focussed delegate target, others are modular and can be flexed to suit the needs of an individual Client, Customer, or delegate. The most popular are listed below, although the list is always changing. Some are available as half day of full day courses, depending on the extent of practical required, and the availability of resources to deliver it.
Specific Courses:-
- Complete Height Safety Hierarchy (aka Working at Height for Managers and Supervisors, and Complete Work at Height). This is a full day foundation course for all who manage work at height in construction. It is now a required course for site managers for many UK principle contractors. Aimed at Site Managers, Project Managers, Planners, and all who manage or influence the decision to work at height in Construction, it relates the WatH hierarchy to site operations and looks at the key aspects for a range of WatH solutions including Scaffolding, Edge Protection, MEWPs, Rope Access, Restraint systems, Safety Nets and Personal Fall Protection Equipment.
- Work at Height during Fit Out. A similar course to the one above, but relating to fit out rather than new build construction.
- How to Select the Wok at Height method. A similar course again, but covering the full hierarchy, and with less construction operational content.
The above three courses are all variations on the theme of a secure foundation in Height Safety and the Work at Height Hierarchy. They form a knowledge base upon which to build more detailed understanding. They all use the principle of the “3Cs” (Compliant product, Competent use, Comprehensive maintenance) to explain the key important issues to look out for in each of the subject areas. All manner of bespoke, Client, or application specific courses can be built around the Hierarchy and the principle of the “3Cs.”
- Designing for Safe Work at Height. This can be flexed from 90 minutes, ½ a day, or a full day covering BS 8560:2012, Code of Practice for the Design of Buildings incorporating Safe Work at Height. This shows how the new British Standard guides and informs the decision making process during design. It is aimed at all within the design team, including the CDM-C. The longer training sessions include a delegate workshop to run through some real problems and allow the delegates to test their learning. This can also form part of a specific Project Design Workshop to guide the project team through their height safety issues, at any stage of the development.
Additional Modules as stand alone leaning, or for a greater depth of knowledge :-
Please note that these modules are aimed at “management/supervisor” level, and they assume knowledge of the Height Safety hierarchy. It is best if delegates have already attended one of the foundation courses above.
The following modules can be re-tuned as “stand alone” instruction for operatives.
- Generic Edge Protection, Collective Fall Prevention. ½ day module on system and tubular edge protection based upon the Edge Protection Federation Code of Practice. Aimed at Site Managers and Supervisors who select or manage edge protection activity in Construction.
- Preventing Falls in Scaffolding, SG4:10. 1 day or ½ day module based around SG4:10, preventing falls in scaffolding. Aimed at all who use or manage scaffolding activity. Site Managers and Supervisors of main contractors, and also at Managers and Supervisors of Scaffolding contractors. The 1 day course has a practical demonstration element (space permitting).
- When does a Scaffold need Design. ½ day course on TG 20 and the basics of a “basic” scaffold. This can be combined with the course above to produce a complete 1 day for site managers on SG4:10 and TG20. Aimed at all who specify, order, and manage scaffolding activity.
- How to select and Manage MEWPs. ½ day detailed course on the selection and management of MEWPs.
- Restraint Solutions (temporary and permanent). ½ day course on what is, and what is not, effective fall “Restraint.” Aimed at all who select and manage work at height involving restraint. Site Managers and Supervisors in Construction and refurbishment, Building Managers and Maintenance Managers in FM, and Formwork contractors.
- Safe Loading and Unloading from vehicles. ½ day course on the hierarchical approach to safe vehicle loading. When is it appropriate to leave the hierarchy? Aimed at all who manage the loading and unloading of vehicles, and who select equipment to control this fall hazard.
- Safety Nets Familiarisation and Inspection. ½ day course based on the FASET inspectors course. What to look for in rigged safety nets, and in a safety net rigging contractor. Aimed at all who select or manage a safety netting contractor or inspect his work.
- Harness and Lanyard, selection, use, and inspection. ½ day course based upon BS 8437, on how to select and use Personal Fall Protective Equipment (harness and lanyard). Aimed at all who select, use, or inspect PFPE for use in construction or maintenance of buildings.
- Harness and Lanyard basic training (with or without Alsipercha). A half day operative focussed course covering use of the equipment, inspection and rescue.
- Personal Fall Protective Equipment. 1 day course combining Restraint Solutions and Harness and Lanyard selection, use, inspection, and Rescue.
- Harness Rescue. ½ day practical course for effecting the rescue of a worker using a standard harness. This is applicable to scaffolders, roofers, and others who rely on PFPE to minimise the height and consequence of any fall.
Our training programme is constantly changing in line with the needs of our various markets, and the developing standards and practices. Please email or call to discuss your Height Safety needs.
Higher Safety cover any aspect of Work @ Height, from design, through method selection, to construct, operate, maintain, and demolish. We work across Industries from Construction to Transport, Utilities and Production engineering, and across National boundaries.