Work at Height activities or solutions frequently involve temporary works. These might involve standard solutions like Scaffolding, Falsework, Formwork, Edge Protection, Anchor Points, Rope Access supports, Safety Nets supports, the specification of Harness and Lanyard solutions, or they could include more complicated or bespoke requirements.
Higher Safety will support all aspects of temporary works design, development, and installation.
We can provide access to the specialist skills involved in Scaffold or Falsework design, advise on and guide decision making, and offer supervision and inspection on site. We can provide the regular on-going inspection service, or train your site teams to inspect and manage your installations as required.
We can advise on the selection and specification of a suitable edge protection solution, taking into account the needs of all the following trades. This is an area of particular opportunity for savings in the new build market, where many Clients end up paying between three and five times for edge protection on a given project. Making suitable provision for the edge protection within the frame design is the first part of the process, however it must also be in the best place for the all following trades to maximise outputs, productivity, and safety.
We can layout and specify the best temporary (or permanent) anchorage system for all manner of harness based operations. These would include cladding installation, decking, inspection access, and all manner of Rope Access support. Very often temporary arrangements are poorly considered, frustrating the operatives and slowing their works. Solutions are frequently taken from project to project, without considering alternatives that might enhance the operation or increase the level of safety. There is a long history of poor detail in this area of temporary works, and a significant opportunity for improvement and savings.
We can also advise on the selection and specification of all types of safety net, harness and lanyard, or other energy absorbing “fall mitigation” equipment. The range of equipment available is vast, and the optimum selection for a particular application requires detailed, up to date knowledge of all that is available in the market.